This year at the annual International Photo Awards, a contest that saw 17,841 entries from 130 countries, my image “Orchestrated Mobula Rays” finished 3rd in the Nature Underwater category. I must admit that I’m pretty happy with that!
This moment was captured whilst diving in open ocean off the coast of Coast Rica. A group of curios Mobula Rays came in to inspect me and displayed a majestic synchronised dance before disappearing back into the deep.
And then there were the remoras. Remoras are pretty famous for seeking out harmonious, symbiotic relationships with much larger pelagic marine life. With the exchange of keeping their hosts clean and parasite free they, in return, receive nutrients and food through fast moving water and (maybe most importantly) .. score a free ride.
Sometimes you never forget that exact moment you press the shutter. I remember this moment in pure clarity. The detail, presence and awareness of these incredible Mobula Rays circling me in the remote open blue ocean… It still gives me the chills.
Orchestrated is available from my shop, click here to see more.